Custom Bally Star Trek Sound Board - More Info
Reviews and comments for my custom Bally Star Trek plug-and-play sound board.
Pin-Gerg (pinside Star Trek machine review): "My favorite of all the star trek pins. Recently added the
new custom sound board from geeteoh and it really puts it over the top..."
Wolfgang: "Board has arrived. Thanks a lot. Your board is awesome and the Sound is great!"
East Tennessee Pinball from Youtube: shows off their recent Bally Star Trek pinball restoration in
an awesome video. They install my Custom
Star Trek sound board and go through some of the options.
Ryan: "I recently purchased a Star Trek sound board from you. I just wanted to let you now how happy
I am with it. It really takes that game to the next level, it's by far the best mod I've ever purchased for one
of my pins. Thank you for the time and effort you put into it, it turned out great!"
Steve: "It's such a pleasure when something works 1st time and is better than expected.
It's such an improvement, thank you so much. I'll be back in touch when I find an affordable Kiss."
Jeffrey Allen Edwards from YouTube: shows off his recent Bally Star Trek pinball restoration in a
video and my Custom Star Trek sound board.
lblgagne: Restored a Bally Star Trek and showed the results
on YouTube. He showed off my board and how it works about 3 minutes into the video.
pindel from pinside: "The Geeteoh sound board is awesome. Super cool sounds plus originals. I'm happy with it."
PinRetail from pinside: "I generally do NOT recommend mods that radically change your game from what the
factory provided... but the sound effects and music with geeteoh's board actually has won me over. AWESOME product."
John: "Failing miserably at repairing my old sound card (darn that diode CR4!) I decided to upgrade to this
card. WOW! It's like augmented AI! Rather than primitive dings and beeps you get dozens of actual Star Trek voices.
For example, when you drain the ball and the game is over instead of a beep you might get Spock mockingly "Intelligent
but not experienced", McCoy "It's dead Jim", Scotty "You cannot argue with a machine" or something else. I've generally
stayed with the "factory" settings but the options are insane. You can apparently flip a DIP switch if you prefer
background music from the TV show or the movies. How amazing this would be if you plug into the card's headphone jack
(yes it has one) and running it into the home stereo? I highly recommend this card. OK it's twice the price of a stock
replacement sound card but you're getting twenty times the features and flexibility."
slamshed: "Installing this has revitalised by Star Trek, love it."
Pete: "...i have the kiss and trek and im so happy with them!!!"
tumir from pinside: "I'll just add that I recently installed the Geeteoh Star Trek sound board in my machine and I
love it, it makes the game so much more fun, keep up the great work."
Todd Tuckey: From TNT Amusements and his YouTube channel demonstrate my custom Star Trek Sound Board in this
live video from Friday June 23, 2023. Although you can pick out
the attract sounds earlier in the video, move to the 20 minute mark to see Todd's first demo of the sound board. Then move to the
40 minute mark to see Todd talk about the board manual and website.
Steve: "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU For your amazing sound board for the Star Trek pinball! I got mine installed last
week, and it's like a whole new game! Terrific job!"
Douglas: "Just wanted to follow up to let you know the technician refurbishing my ST pin was able to order and install
the sound board. Just wanted to say thanks very much for an excellent product. It would not be the same machine without it; what
an upgrade! I have had a few ST buddies of my vintage come over and play and they were very impressed. Thanks again."
Darrell: "The sounds give the game a new personality and appreciate your efforts with offering this."
Todd: "I installed the Star Trek sound board is its really cool. I really dig your products and I have been
sending your webpage link to all my pinball friends."
Eric: "Just installed the system last night. Fantastic! Easy to install, plug and play friendly. Nice led indicators
and instructions. Well done! I have posted your May 2022 installation video on several of the Star Trek Pinball websites I'm on.
So I know you've been getting orders for your board. Compliments to you and your excellent mod concept. Mostly likely the best
mod out there for the machine."
Bruce: "...the board arrived today. I have it installed and it works great!!! Awesome work - thanks!!!! And, the power
- up sound bite is awesome, LOL!"